Tuesday, November 11, 2008


Today is my lucky day!! Muahaha. I finally got Eclipse! If i didn't go Popular today, i guess it will be out of stock again by next week when i am going there again. I guess.

Well, the process of getting it was quite funny though. CO ended earlier today, so i was quite excited, LOLs. I was hoping that i can get some comics, but the new ones haven't come yet(apparently the rack looked empty, so i think the new ones were not there), so i went to Popular to walk around, but not hoping for some miracles to appear though. Guess what, the best things happen when you are not expecting it. The shiny new holy book was just in front of my eyes, shining like diamonds(well, they ARE diamonds to me...)! I was like, am i having delusions? OMG!!! However, the books were still in the cart, waiting to be arranged by the staff, so i was waiting for it to be up on the racks. I was pretending to be walking around, meanwhile eying the book. The staff noticed that, and was throwing my a strange look because i was lingering around her. Finally, i couldn't wait anymore and i ask her if i can buy the book (dumbo me, didn't know that i could take it already...). She gave me that oh-so-that's-what-you want face, and said of course. I was so ecstatic until i almost hopped my way to the counter, haha. Finally, i am freed from the agony of suspense! Wait, not really, i still have to wait for scarfy to lend me the Breaking Dawn AFTER she come back form Japan. Argh! So i guess i condemned myself to the suspense again. Sigh... Come back faster, will ya!

Bon voyage! Japan trip students! Bring me some presents back if possible! Hahaha.

Anyway, i think i am crazy. I missed out this part on the yesterday's post, so i am posting it now. When people fall, they will probably think 's**t, why is this happening to me?' For me, i wasn't. I was actually rejoicing over it, because i have never fall down for a long time, and i kinda forgot what it felt like. So the fall made me felt human again, hahaha. I am crazy, eh?

I finished 7 episodes of Heroes season 3, and i am downloading the 8th ep now. Ohoho. Why does Peter's father( i forgot his name) had to take away his powers? D**n him. Sylar is kinda turning into a good person though. This whole season seems to be about bad guys turning into good guys and vice versa. I am so excited!I want to know the ending! I shouldn't have finished those episodes so quickly, argh. My bro is very into Prison Break though, and he is downloading the 4th season.

Anyway, that's all for today i think. Bi-byes.


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