Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Okay, i am absolutely pissed off now. I just typed a long entry, and the internet disconnected! The Blogger also didn't save it , so now i am so so so so pissed off. Argh! Why is this happening to me?! When i finally have the chance to go online, that dumb thing just have to do this to me. Okay, okay, shush, my dear dear modem, can you pleaseeeeee work for me? Pleaseeeee? I am begging you!!!

Now, i absolutely don't feel like repeating what i typed just now, so well, i am going to talk about some random stuff. OH, i broke a bowl yesterday. My hand was wet, so it kinda slipped out of my hand. Before it landed on the floor with a loud crash and shattering into pieces, it hit my knee. Now there is a nice blue black on my knee. Luckily it doesn't hurt much.

Ohya, and my mum was so funny. She wanted to throw away the old bicycle, but in the end, she fixed it and bought another new one home. How random.

Gosh, the internet connection is still not working yet. Argh. Fine! Let's go one on one! I am going to wait until you work you yucky stupid dumb useless disgusting piece of crap. And i am going to publish this post no matter what.

......*After 1987519606186047629 years* Okay! The dumb thing is still not working! What should i do? Why this keep happening to me!!!!!! Ahhhhhhh!*My heart stopped pounding, my brain stopped functioning, the light of the modem is still blinking.* But my hand is still moving. That's for sure. Hello? If not how would you see this work of desperation? I feel like crushing that piece of junk, but i know it will be no use, so i will wait. I will wait...

*Newsflash: A 15-year-old girl was discovered sitting in front of her computer, staring blankly at the screen, mouth wide opened with fingers stuck on the keyboard. She's believed to be XXX from Christ Church Secondary School. The police is still investigating the cause of her insanity. This case is listed under unnatural cause of madness. It is believed that the modem lying beside her is the weapon that drove her to madness.

In the hospital:


Scarfy: Onee-sama!!! Rest in peace!*'Hey i am not dead!' i retorted*

Nurse: The patient is showing signs of sanity! Doctor!

Bearice: Ooi you dumb person! Wake up la! Or i call ah ngiao to bite you!

Emogirl: *Sobs uncontrollably*

Red Fan: Hush, hush, don't cry. She's our Queen! She WILL survive this crisis!

*Doctor rushes in* Make way! Make way!

MOTP: NOOOOO!!!! Let us see her for the one last time!!!

Me: Ooi!!! Don't curse me!

Doctor: This is the first in the history for a person to talk in unconscious state! She is extraordinary!

Me: Who do you think i am huh?

Doctor: I think i am having illusions...*faints*

Nurse: Doctor! Doctor!


This is just some random fantasy while i am waiting for the junk to work. No copyrights reserved.

Finally! I love you internet!


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