Saturday, September 27, 2008


To: Members Of The Parliament
From: Blue Fan

My Computer Is Pissing Me Off(Actually, It's My Mum's)
This computer is veeeeeeery slow. And the internet connection is playing a trick on me. I paid for a more costly(well, not me, my dad) plan but, it's still unstable!

Well, I seriously got nothing to do. I revised chapter 7,8,9,10 of Biology, chapter 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 of Chemistry, chapter 1,4,9,12 of Physics and going to study SS chapter 2,3.And i did most of these on one day, so now my brain is basically going to explode. Nothing can go inside seriously. I am so dead for EOY.

Anyway, I am clarifying things now. The nicknames i gave to people are harmless(well, except for you know who) so please don't be pissed off if I went overboard and please tell me if I do.

Also, the fact that people just can't stop spamming the asknlearn inbox is very irritating. If it's really interesting, just send once! Use your brain, people!

bLUe FaN


To those who i linked, I hope you don't mind!!!


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